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Practice team


Andrew Slucock (m)

Practice manager 
Andrew is the full time practice manager and is always willing to help our patients received the best care possible. You can leave a message with reception if you have any concerns regarding your engagement with the practice, and Andrew will ensure you are contacted and your concerns addressed.

Tracey Waldron (f)

Deputy practice manager
Tracey has particular responsibilities for practice accounts, health and safety and duty rotas for clinical staff.

Administration Team

Ola (f), Julie (f), and Debbie (f) – Practice secretaries

The practice secretaries are here to help with your referrals and ongoing care administration, including helping you with hospital outpatient appointments.

Mary (f) and Sharnie (f) – Administrators

Administrators… looking after the front line patient administration requirements at the practice, from managing insurance report requests, through to setting up new patients to the sractice in our clinical systems

Carol (f)- Workflow administrator

Workflow administrator… making sure your notes are up to date, and GPs are pointed to the right clinical information when it comes to the practice from outside sources (like hospitals!)

Reception team

Reception Team Manager & Patient Liaison Officer – Vacancy

Our patient liaison and reception team manager is the main point of contact for patients for any non medical queries or complaints regarding the practice.

Our reception team is made up of:

Val, Rosy, Moira, Ola, Lucy, Ruth and Heather

… and they are all there are answer your calls, book appointments, and help with your queries, and to welcome you at the front desk.