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Dr Graham I Wallis, male

B Med Sci BM BS DFFP MRCGP University of Nottingham Medical School 1997

A male, part time partner, is married to a GP. He enjoys all aspects of general practice, with special interests in urology, substance misuse, cardiac and respiratory diseases. He is a GP trainer.

Dr Gordon R Fletcher, male

BSc MBBS MRCS MRCGP DRCOG DPD Imperial College School of Medicine 2002

A male, part time partner. Dr Fletcher trained at the former Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School before completing basic surgical training achieving membership of The Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2006. He has a special interest in dermatology and minor surgery.

Dr Marie Aitchison, female

MB BCh BAO Dip Pall Med MRCGP University College Dublin 2003

A female, part time partner, is married with two young sons. Dr Aitchison studied in Dublin before moving to England where she completed her GP training. She worked at Hilary Cottage as registrar as part of the GP training scheme. She is happy to deal with all aspects of general practice, and her special interests include palliative care and sexual health.

Dr Pauline A McCleary, female

MB BCh BAO MRCGP DCH DRCOG DMH DFFP Queen’s University, Belfast 1991

A female GP, married with 2 sons. She works at Hilary Cottage three mornings per week. She has special interests in gynaecology, family planning and paediatrics.

Dr Caroline Hand, female

MBChB DCH MRCGP DFSRH University of Leeds, School of Medicine 2005

A female, part time GP, is married with two young children. She enjoys all aspects of general practice and has special interests in family planning and paediatrics.

Dr Karen Picardo, female

MBChB DCH DRCOG MRCGP DFSRH University of Bristol, School of Medicine 1998

A female, part time GP, married with 3 young children. She enjoys all aspects of general practice.

Dr Jaynesh M Mistry, male

MPhys MBChB MRCGP (2018) University of Warwick Medical School 2013

A male part time GP who has recently completed GP training locally, with interests in all aspects of general practice.

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