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Infection control statement


In line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice on prevention and control of infection and its related guidance, this annual statement will be generated annually in December. It summarises:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have
    been reported in accordance with our Significant Event procedure).
  • Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions undertaken.
  • Details of any infection control risk assessments undertaken.
  • Details of staff training.
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines.

Background & scope – infection control leads

Responsibilities within the practice:

  • Infection prevention and control GP lead is Dr Gordon Fletcher.
  • Infection prevention and control Nurse lead is Emma Kennedy.
  • Practice Manager is Diane Piatek.

Significant events

There have been no significant events raised relating to Infection Control in the past year.


In January 2019 an Infection Prevention and Control in General Practice Audit was completed by the lead nurse. Policies and procedures have been updated and circulated to staff and include the location of electronic copies are stored. We also carry out regular audits of minor operative procedures, the latest in November 2018. A hand washing observational audit for a sample of staff including, GP, nursing and administrative staff was carried out on 21st November 2018. A clinical waste audit was also completed to prove compliance and the results sent electronically to our clinical waste contractor.

Actions taken as a result of 2017/2018 audit

Cleaning standards are regularly audited by the cleaning contractor and discussed with the practice and remedial actions put in place where shortfalls are highlighted.

Equipment highlighted that required replacement was completed. All carpeted flooring is cleaned and inspected daily. As part of our premises maintenance programme, all flooring is inspected and reviewed for signs of wear. A rolling programme of replacement continues with the waiting room carpet highlighted as a priority area to be replaced in the future.

Risk assessments

We carry out annual risk assessments and safe systems of work are introduced as required. These are filed in the Risk Assessment folder located in the Deputy Practice Managers office.

Staff training

All staff carry out online IC training relevant to their role. The lead nurse will attend regular infection control updates to ensure the practice systems and policies and procedures remain in line with current guidelines and legislation.

Policies, procedures and guidelines

Hard copy policies relating to Infection Prevention and Control are stored in the Nurse Clinical Policies and Procedures Folder at the Nurse Station and also electronically on the shared protocols intranet in the shared G:\ drive. These are reviewed and updated annually as appropriate. However, all are amended on an ongoing basis as current advice changes.


It is the responsibility of each individual to be familiar with this statement and their roles & responsibilities under this. It is also the responsibility of the IC Lead to ensure staff are familiar with the contents.

Review date

Reviewed annually, due for review January 2020

Responsibility for review

The IC Lead GP & IC Lead Nurse are responsible for reviewing the Statement annually.