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Friends of Fairford and Lechlade Communities Charity

(Formerly League of Friends of Fairford Hospital)

We are a registered charity led by a Management Committee (Trustees) made up of volunteers from the local community. We support the care and wellbeing of people who live in Fairford, Lechlade and the surrounding villages providing health related support to the patients of the Fairford and Lechlade Doctors’ Surgeries.

Fairford Hospital lost its beds in 2007 and is now an Outpatients Clinic so the Community Friends are now focussed on supporting the health needs of the local community.

We succeed through the generosity, support and commitment from our local community. If you would like to get involved either by volunteering or helping to raise funds please contact our Administrator, Kerry Simms, on 01285 707300, or email or refer to our website

The Chairman is Shelly Welsh who can be contacted on

We support the local community through:

Our Home Nursing Team supplements the care given by the local GPs and District Nurses providing palliative care to patients who wish to remain at home. Our team of registered nurses and care assistants are able to provide support to the family as well as the patient and work as a team with the District Nurses and other medical services. There is no charge to the patients or their families and referral is made through the local District Nurses.

Our contract with Prospect Hospice at Wroughton enables the Fairford and Lechlade GP Practices to refer their patients to the Hospice. This means the patients and their families can benefit from the Hospice’s full range of services.

Patients Transport Service

We have a team of volunteer drivers who provide over 700 journeys a year for people in the community who have difficulty getting to their GP and hospital appointments. A charge is made for the round trip to cover vehicle running costs. No charge is made for the driver. A schedule of fixed rate charges can be seen on our website. The patient arranges the transport through their GP Surgery. The Surgery will contact our driver coordinator who will make the transport arrangements and the patient pays the driver direct.

Edna Dawes Lunch Club (not currently running)

We provide a Lunch Club for around 30 frail and elderly people on Mondays and Wednesdays to socialise and enjoy a lunch. Transport is provided for those who have difficulty getting to the venue in Fairford. This is currently paused due to Covid-19 but please contact Kerry Simms for further details or to register your interest by email or on 01285 707300.

Young at Heart Memory Club

We fund this monthly Lunch Club, held in Fairford that provides social activity and lunch for people with memory problems and their carers. Contact Lorna Stevens for further details on 07971 929 258.

People for You

We fund this volunteer befriending service for people in the Fairford, Lechlade and surrounding villages. It aims to reduce and prevent isolation and loneliness in our rural community. Contact Sue Black for further information on 07810 630167.

Family funding support

We provide funding for health care support and short term respite care in areas of need for families and carers of all ages. This ranges from funding additional hours at specialist respite centres for children and young adults to funding short term respite care to enable carers to have breaks.  Contact our Administrator for further information.

Foot Care Clinic

This is held every Monday at Fairford Outpatients Clinic for those who have difficulty with nail cutting.  It is funded by the Community Friends and referral is made through the Podiatry Clinic at Fairford Outpatients Clinic.


We help fund the student counselling service at Farmors School which is essential to the health and wellbeing of those in need of support counselling.

Community First Responders

Helping to save lives in our rural community. We helped establish the local Community First Responders and provide funding for training and equipment when necessary.

Reg Charity No. 1180059