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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

We offer a range of services including:

Hospital consultant clinics

A monthly clinic is held in the surgery by a visiting psychiatrist. A number of specialist out patient clinics are available at Fairford Hospital, your GP will advise you on these clinics.

Baby and pre-school checks

These are carried out by the health visitor, practice nurse or the GPs. Your child will be asked to come along at the appropriate time. You can discuss the immunisation programme with your health visitor and also at the 6 week baby check.

Family planning service

Dr Hand can fit coils. You will be placed on a waiting list and contacted once an appointment becomes available. All GPs can remove coils if needed. Dr Hand can perform Nexplanon fitting (contraception).

All the doctors are happy to provide contraceptive advice. All GPs provide the morning after pill but this must be taken within 72 hours, preferably within 24 hours so please tell the receptionist that you need to be seen that day.

The GPs can also generally arrange for a coil to be fitted for emergency contraception.

Screening for cancer of the cervix

All the practice nurses are trained to take cervical smears. Women aged 25 to 49 will be called at three yearly intervals and those aged 50 to 65 at five yearly intervals. If you have had a hysterectomy, you do not need a smear, except in special cases.

You should be informed by post if you are due for your smear. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask a doctor or nurse. The report generally takes 2-3 weeks, the laboratory then writes to you with the result.

Information leaflets on the screening programme have been produced by the Public Health Department and are available, on request, from the practice secretary.

Screening services

These services are provided by the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. There is mammography, ultrasound for abdominal aortic aneurysm and diabetic retinopathy screening. Appointments will be sent as appropriate by the service. We strongly encourage all patients offered screening to attend.

Maternity services

All the doctors in conjunction with the midwife provide maternity services with the maternity hospitals. The midwife’s antenatal clinic is held on Fridays at the surgery. Parentcraft classes are also held periodically by the midwife.

New patient checks

We consider this to be part of the process of new patient registration. All new patients should see the nurse for the health check . In addition patients on repeat medication or with ongoing health issues should book to see a GP.

Minor surgery

We perform a variety of small operations to treat lumps and bumps on the skin, ingrowing toenails and joint injections.This service can take up quite a bit of GP appointment time so there is a limit on how many things the GPs can do. Ask your GP who will advise you accordingly.

Health promotion clinics

We aim to provide a wide range of health promotion clinics. These include:

  • Diabetic clinic
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Asthma
  • Well person clinic
  • Diet
  • Exercise on prescription
  • Continence advice

If you wish to attend any of these clinics, please ask one of our receptionists.

Travel advice

If you require any vaccinations for foreign travel, you need to complete our travel risk assessment form.

The practice will then contact you to make an appointment with the practice nurse. The nurse will need to know which countries (and areas within countries) you are visiting, to determine what vaccinations are required.

Please look at the NHS travel website before you attend. Paper copies of the Travel Questionnaire are also available from Reception.

Please submit your form as early as possible – at least 8 weeks before you travel. You will also need a second appointment which needs to be at least 2 weeks before you travel, to allow the vaccines to work.

We can only offer travel vaccines that are supplied free on the NHS. The majority of vaccines are not included in the services provided by the NHS and you will be advised to attend a private travel clinic to obtain these.

NHS health checks

We are participating in the NHS Health Check programme that aims to help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease. Everyone between the ages of 40 and 74, who has not already been diagnosed with one of these conditions, will be invited to have a check to assess their risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and diabetes and will be given support and advice to help them reduce or manage that risk.

As this is a 5 year programme, we will be writing to all eligible patients to invite you to attend for your health check. Once you receive your invitation letter from us, please book your appointment. You will also need to complete a Pre-assessment questionnaire. Please print this off and bring it with you to your appointment.

Further information can be found at NHS: Health Check

Community wellbeing service

A service run by Gloucestershire Rural Community Service (GRCC) to provide help, advice and support for any non-medical issue. GPs can refer you to this service.


The practice patients have a high uptake of immunisation and all the doctors are very keen to continue this. Immunisation can prevent several distressing illnesses and some life threatening conditions. If you have any doubts, please discuss them with us so that we can help you to assess the possible risks. Vaccinations are carried out by our practice nurses.

We also recommend Influenza immunisation to all patients over 65 and those with chronic diseases such as chronic bronchitis and respiratory problems, diabetes and heart disease in accordance with Department of Health guidelines. These are normally done from early October each year.

Pneumococcal vaccination is also recommended for patients with chest problems and patients who have had their spleen removed, those with diabetes or coronary heart disease and those over 65 years old.